Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Little House on Tinker Air Force Base

"Home Sweet Hotel Room"
Well, here we are in Oklahoma City, on Tinker Air Force Base. We are finally what I would call "settled," and it has taken me a week to prepare to blog about it.

There is just so much going on in my head and heart, I almost didn't know how to process it all and anyways, processing takes time. I will say this, though. I cried when we drove down Interstate 40 when we passed the Tinker exits and Rose State College because it was just so familiar. And right now, I'm desperate for "familiar." We miss our Florida "family" so much!

We spent a lovely first week house-sitting for some close Okie friends, in a beautiful, spacious home in the outskirts of the city. We had fun playing in their pool and feeding their chickens... so when we arrived to our little "Temporary Living Facility" or TLF, I found myself having to adjust my expectations. A bit.

It's a mess this morning, but you can see what we're workin' with.

We were tempted to be a bit depressed by the small quarters, but right away we rearranged the front room to make room for the keyboard, which is to the right of the picture. I am so blessed to have a husband with a can-do attitude. It goes along way to keep my negativity in check. Thankfully, there are enough cupboards in the kitchen and bath area that we can keep most stuff put away.

Also, the kids have been great. Ethan hasn't complained a bit about sleeping on the floor, but we've tweaked his arrangement to the brown chair you see there... last night worked pretty well. We put the sofa cushions on top of the chair/ottoman and lay the sleeping bag/pillow on top. It's pretty cozy for a six-year-old. The kids love the park outside the door, the pool and bowling alley down the street.
The day we moved in, I was a little upset, and Rel reminded me that it would be okay. "We can do this, Mom." That girl has a good head on her shoulders. Like her daddy.

We have been reading aloud, On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This, along with the time I spent reading Colossians and Philippians the last few weeks, along with the wonderful time in God's presence at Bridgeway Church, have really sustained my heart.

Here is what I have been pondering lately:
~I don't live here (in Oklahoma City, USA, Earth) permanently. Thankfully, I belong Somewhere Else. This is a great comfort. A great truth. "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." I must be careful not to place my trust in this "place."

~I don't live in this body permanently, for that matter. My life is belongs to my Redeemer. I am chosen, holy, and dearly loved! Check out these clothes: Colossians 3:12

~Most families of the world TODAY (let alone American pioneers like the Ingalls family) live in much smaller homes/houses/dwellings than the one I have now. Many families with many more kids figure out a way to do this. Mostly, they live outside and don't expect A/C. So we can do this. And we can thrive at it. Even if we can't be at the beach. ;)

~Libraries are truly wonderful, wonderful establishments.

~"Where there is a will, there's a way." Ma Ingalls' wisdom really comes in handy. I was delighted with how this shoe organizer helped solve our clutter problem in the bedroom.

~HGTV and the Food Network are so much fun to watch, especially while working out!

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever" even in a hotel. A potted plant and fruit bowl add a little happy to our room.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Moving (Guest Post)

Last week I asked Aurelia to write about our trek across the Southeast. We are both learning how to blog together, which is helping me be a more consistent writer, and giving Rel an additional (non-fiction) outlet. She complied.

 Here is what she wrote.